Our vision is a world of freedom, equality and dignity
for all refugee women and girls.
What we do
We work with refugee women to overcome trauma, fight for their rights, and to transform their lives and the world around them.
How we do it
We run campaigning, economic empowerment, and therapeutic arts projects that give refugee women a platform to demand their rights.
Where we work
In Lebanon, we work with Syrian and Palestinian refugee women. In the UK, we work with refugee and asylum-seeking women from all over the world.
“The word makani, ‘my place’, has so many meanings for me. As refugees, we all left our places we loved and called home, and we’re all trying to find new ways to belong.
At the same time, I grew up in a society where women aren’t equal and don’t have opportunities. This is my way to help give women a space to thrive.”
— Itab Azzam, co-founder and Executive Director

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